The NFU is an organization of, and for, farmers and farmworkers in Canada, working together to democratically achieve agricultural policies that ensure dignity and income security for farmers and farmworkers while protecting and enhancing rural environments for future generations.
The NFU advocates for a food system based on the principles of food sovereignty, which
- calls for a food system that values farmers and what they grow
- rebuilds relationships between food producers and those who eat
- reclaims local decision making about food production and environmental protection and
- strengthens connections between people and the land, empowering communities and citizens to make intentional decisions based on local needs and conditions to ensure a resilient and sustainable future.
The NFU collaborates locally, nationally and internationally to research, educate and share effective solutions that lead to a better world for farm families and their local communities.
All farmers and farm workers are welcome to join the NFU as full voting members. Non-farming individuals and supporters may join as non-voting Associate Members. All who support the NFU’s goals are invited to donate to support our work. Associate memberships are $100 please click below to join!
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