Amazing Ground Chicken, perfect for any meal that uses ground meat! Tacos, pasta meat sauce, chicken-bacon meatballs and more!
2- $60
4 - $100
10 - $250
Are Free-Range Chicken Healthier and Happier?
Free-range chickens are able to roam around, get fresh air and have contact with other chickens with the ability to get sunshine and exercise. As most animals would naturally prefer this lifestyle vs. being cooped up in a small space, it’s no secret that the chickens prefer a free-range lifestyle.
One of the core differences between pasture raised chicken and conventionally raised chicken is the varied diet that a pasture raised bird consumes on pasture. By foraging outdoors, they feed on a steady stream of insects, worms, bugs, and grasses available to them that their conventionally-raised counterparts just don’t have access to. This menu may not sound very appetizing to us, but it’s full of delicacies for a chicken! The ability to hunt for their food and the pure yet nutritious diet provides them with ample vitamins and minerals that afford the chickens better health during their lifetime, and that makes their meat much healthier to consume.
Outdoor raised chicken meat, is generally considered more dense due to the increased physical activity the chickens get from foraging and roaming freely, which builds muscle and results in a firmer meat texture compared to chickens raised in confined spaces with limited movement; this active lifestyle also leads to a richer nutrient profile in the meat as they consume a more varied diet of insects, grasses, and other natural forage.Mandy's chicken does not shrink there for you receive more than expect due ot the dense meat you will actually eat less than you would if purchasing conventional raised chicken.
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