To my friends who are working for a better world:
As I write this letter in November 2022, the countryside is at a critical crossroads trying to compete with the profiteering industrial food system. Those of us raising food directly for consumers to eat are facing some tough choices. In early October 2022, sales dropped by more than 50%. This kind of drop in sales is operation-altering. In order for my farm to survive, I ask you to choose a closer relationship with your food.

While I understand that everyone is trying to deal with inflation and higher costs, I urge you to consider the benefits of purchasing directly from a farmer. Having a relationship with a farmer has helped many families reduce the distance their food travels. Families can have high quality, dense food that actually provides a far better return than industrialized food products. The Meadow Creek Farms families have taught me that the best way to economize your food costs is to plan meals. Meal planning can sometimes seem cumbersome, but if you make one meal that actually lasts for three or four, it is both time and cost saving.
Raising living things requires care, time and thought for each product we grow and each animal we raise for you. We value the countryside and Alberta and are working for the family farm and food sovereignty. We work very hard to keep the money in the province by supporting workers with fair wages, and when you choose us, you are supporting several small businesses in local communities rather than large corporations.
As it is difficult to produce food without a commitment from our customers, we need a commitment that you are going to purchase the food in a time frame that enables continued production. As the farm does not receive any subsidies, we rely on people regularly purchasing product from us. We need consistent cashflow in order to remain in operation.

We ask that you consider purchasing chicken, sausage, bacon, hams, smoked turkey and beautiful garlic and onions for your table and for a gift for family and friends. Orders can be made at our Order Online page at
We would like to be a part of your story and invite you to be a part of our Meadow Creek Farms Village as we know you understand the importance of co-ops. To help remain in existence, we also built a producer co-op that takes the meat and produce we grow and turns it into incredible meals. Additionally, perogies, turkeys and more can be ordered from the Gathering Place Co-op We encourage you to consider visiting our bistro too!
I know and understand fully that everyone has a lot to manage. Let me help you with the food on your plate.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful holiday season. I thank you for your time and for all that you do!
May the Force Be With You, and In Solidarity
Farmer Mandy