Dear amazing humans,
My wish for you, is that you are able to embrace the spring and make plans for a hopeful and beautiful summer. As you do this, I ask you to consider how my little farm will fit in to your story. I am currently busy booking birds, ordering feed, raising hogs and making grow plans for the field.
I am asking you, if you can, can you please put down a deposit of $500 between now and July. Chicks, fuel and feed and wages have gone up just a little too much for me to handle production with sales only.
Your deposit will be returned to you in product by between September and Dec of 2023. You will choose what product you would like for your return. I will provide you updates of credit remaining. This would be in addition to your monthly purchases. Deposits can be incremental if that helps.
When you can shake the hand of the farmer raising your food, you are apart of a food resistance movement protesting the mass industrial food industry. For this I say “ Thank you for joining our movement”
“Kevin and I were talking about the essence of food resistance last night. There was a recent article he read in the Globe and Mail about eco kitchen choices and it made no mention of meal planning. Meal planning and sticking to it has been the core pillar of reducing our impact on the planet. Coupled with responsible sourcing which has been hugely supported by your persistence” Alexa Keightley Fort McMurray resident, Meadow Creek Farm Villager
To be informed is the best way you can carve out how we, at the farm fit into your plan and story!
Below is a list of solid resources that will help describe the mass amount of power and profit the industrial processing and retail sectors have. Keeping in mind that the word “ Local” doesn’t always mean it was sourced by a small farm.
Our April Dates are:
Edmonton South- April 22
Edmonotn North April 29
Fort McMurray – April 24
Let me know what you would like for sausage for the may long weekend, I also have a sale on pork belly, size varies from 3 -10 lbs $11 /lbs .and loads of chicken on sale.
Lastly I am curious, I was thinking of getting some smoked chicken breast for you to try, would you like that? Let me know!
There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.
— Seth Godin
Thank you with all my heart
May the force be with you and the wind be
at your back