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With the Corporate profiteering of " Big Food" our price gap is very narrow at the moment and we are not more expensive for the density of what you receive!

Often people will say to me " Mandy your onions and garlic are so strong, and there are many reasons for this, mostly it is the nutrients in our soil. However, did you know that grocery store foods are often Irradiated? Mandy food is not irradiated therefore does not lose its nutrients; most food at the grocery store is imported and imported food is generally irritated to extend its life for travel and as result loses some its nutrients. If you can, choose us, you will help keep a small farmer growing food as we can grow food right here in Alberta!

Imported grocery store food that are irritated!

  • Beef and Pork

  • Crustaceans (e.g., lobster, shrimp, and crab)

  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, including onions, garlic, carrots, beets, cabbage, potato

  • Lettuce and Spinach

  • Poultry

  • Seeds for Sprouting (e.g., for alfalfa sprouts)

  • Shell Eggs

  • Shellfish - Molluscan (e.g., oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops)

  • Spices and Seasonings

What is Irradiation

X-rays are produced by reflecting a high-energy stream of electrons off a target substance (usually one of the heavy metals) into food.

Electron beam (or e-beam) is similar to X-rays and is a stream of high-energy electrons propelled from an electron accelerator into food.

Gamma rays are emitted from radioactive forms of the element cobalt (Cobalt 60) or of the element cesium (Cesium 137). Gamma radiation is used routinely to sterilize medical, dental, and household products and is also used for the radiation treatment of cancer.

Along with killing bacteria, irradiation kills nutrition, too. Vitamins A, B1, C, and E are highly sensitive to irradiation. Food irradiation may also affect the other B vitamins, as well as vitamin K.

Food for thought!

Have a beautiful day!



Want to REALLY know where your food comes from? Come help us out on the farm in exchange for fresh produce this summer. Keep reading for full details.

“Get Dirty to Eat”

2023 Farm Work-for-Produce Exchange! Share in Knowledge, Soil and Hope

This season we will be offering people the opportunity to trade labor for produce. We have very specific tasks that we need help with and we know that we will have a labor shortage this season. Mandy’s farm, on a good weather day, is a fun place to enjoy working hard and finding your own peace. One does have to be mindful of wasps, but other than that it is a place where you can enjoy the soil, the sun, the wind, and all that nature brings!

What to Bring for a Volunteer Session

  • Drinking water (our well water is also available, depending on your constitution)

  • Sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat

  • Bug spray

  • A few pairs of work gloves

  • Layered clothing for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons

  • Optional: Small bluetooth speaker for music. Headphones get in the way of communicating.

A Typical Work Day

  • We usually go from 8 am to 5 pm with breaks as needed.

  • Please bring your own lunch or you can stop and go eat at the Gathering Place Co-op.

  • Pitch your tent if you would like to stay for a few days. Showers and kitchen available.

  • Mandy’s day doesn’t end when yours does, if you stay you will have time to relax and enjoy the farm. There are great places to walk, bike, read, and visit.

The Fine Print

  • To prevent the threat of Avian flu to our flock, all shoes and tires need to be bleached before entering the yard. There is a spray bottle at the mailbox.

  • There is no minimum time commitment necessary; however, volunteering once a week is nice if you can make it. This helps you get orientated and then you can work unsupervised when necessary. Regular visits allow you to see the progress of the crops and animals throughout the season.

  • Farm work is physical and days are long. You may come and find that your body can only handle a few hours at a time. Do not be put off if it is not a good fit for you! There are other tasks that might be a great fit at the farm for you, for example drying garlic or processing dill!

Mandy is very generous, and we will discuss the product exchange on an individual basis before you arrive at the farm. Youth are welcome but require your supervision! If you are interested in a Work-for-Produce Exchange, please email Mandy at or call her at 1-780-650-2047. For specific tasks and weekly opportunities, please continue reading below.


Opportunities Monday through Saturday


  • Weeding Bulbil ( seed garlic)

  • Weeding Garlic

  • Transplanting onions and tomatoes

  • Planting onion sets

  • All of the above work requires working on your hands and knees and a lot of bending

  • Getting produce ready for market at the Gathering Place Co-op

June /July

  • Hand-weeding all produce

  • Possible picking raspberries depending on the growth conditions

  • Picking dill and preserving it

  • Getting produce ready for market at the Gathering Place Co-op


  • Garlic harvest involves many aspects including digging and drying

  • Picking cucumber and beets, making pickles

  • Cutting cabbage and making sauerkraut

  • Picking and preserving herbs

  • Picking raspberries. This involves a great deal of clothing as the wasps are very bad in the berry patch.

  • Getting produce ready for market at the Gathering Place Co-op


  • Planting Garlic this involves work on your hands and knees and allot of bending as well as walking and spreading diatomaceous earth


Dear amazing humans,

My wish for you, is that you are able to embrace the spring and make plans for a hopeful and beautiful summer. As you do this, I ask you to consider how my little farm will fit in to your story. I am currently busy booking birds, ordering feed, raising hogs and making grow plans for the field.

I am asking you, if you can, can you please put down a deposit of $500 between now and July. Chicks, fuel and feed and wages have gone up just a little too much for me to handle production with sales only.

Your deposit will be returned to you in product by between September and Dec of 2023. You will choose what product you would like for your return. I will provide you updates of credit remaining. This would be in addition to your monthly purchases. Deposits can be incremental if that helps.

When you can shake the hand of the farmer raising your food, you are apart of a food resistance movement protesting the mass industrial food industry. For this I say “ Thank you for joining our movement”

“Kevin and I were talking about the essence of food resistance last night. There was a recent article he read in the Globe and Mail about eco kitchen choices and it made no mention of meal planning. Meal planning and sticking to it has been the core pillar of reducing our impact on the planet. Coupled with responsible sourcing which has been hugely supported by your persistence” Alexa Keightley Fort McMurray resident, Meadow Creek Farm Villager

To be informed is the best way you can carve out how we, at the farm fit into your plan and story!

Below is a list of solid resources that will help describe the mass amount of power and profit the industrial processing and retail sectors have. Keeping in mind that the word “ Local” doesn’t always mean it was sourced by a small farm.





Our April Dates are:

Edmonton South- April 22

Edmonotn North April 29

Fort McMurray – April 24

Let me know what you would like for sausage for the may long weekend, I also have a sale on pork belly, size varies from 3 -10 lbs $11 /lbs .and loads of chicken on sale.

Lastly I am curious, I was thinking of getting some smoked chicken breast for you to try, would you like that? Let me know!

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.

— Seth Godin

Thank you with all my heart

May the force be with you and the wind be

at your back



Meadow Creek Farms Blog

Changing the world, one chicken at a time
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Meadow Creek Farms

RR 1
Waskatenau, Alberta

T0A 3P0

Our Mission:

We are committed to protecting ecosystems, biodiversity and regenerative methods of food production that improve resilience and adaptation of our seeds and soil. We grow real food for families who want to build a relationship with their farmer and know where their food comes from.

Farmer Mandy Melnyk

"Celebrating our
15th Season in 2025"

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